Monday, March 31, 2014

Spring has sprung (once again)

...and I finished my wreath!  All of my wreath making supplies (including tools) are at my moms.  So it was quite difficult and not exactly what I wanted, but it will certainly do.

My dog gave me two scares this weekend, you can read about them here.

I made homemade granola.  It turned out quite delicious and I got the recipe from a Guidepost periodical my grandmother sent me.  Great snack to take to work!
The storms were quite bad here Saturday & I weathered them at the barn.  Which let me add, I don't like doing.  I would rather be in the comfort of my home.

All in all, it was a fairly uneventful weekend.  Onward with the week! 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Oh the things I find relaxing....

Well, wreaths for one thing.  I've always made wreaths, never been very successful selling them but oh how I love making them!  It's so relaxing.  My dog tries to help me (by chewing whatever I discard from my flowers).  I would love to find a shop that would sell them on commission (or try selling them).

Anyhow, I thought I would post a few pictures of ones I did a couple years ago.  They are at my moms (she loves everything I make, haha).  I was too busy to work on the one I'm doing at home (not to mention, I have no idea where I put all my wreath making supplies during my move) :\

This weekend I'm going to try a recipe for granola I found.  If it turns out, I'll post it.  I want to bake something too, but I haven't decided what.  Maybe buttermilk maple cupcakes.

I don't think my dog approves of my shenanigans.

Monday, March 24, 2014

It must be Monday...

Wasn't doing good on time this morning, my 'morning routine' was off.  My coffee tastes like crap, my breakfast really tasted like crap.  I thought, what the hell is going on here?  Oh, right, Monday.  Well I'm vowing to have a good week!  Nay, a GREAT week!  & it will start with today (whether it likes it or not).  I can live without breakfast and I replaced my coffee with tea I brought with me (saved by the tea).

My grandmother sent me Guideposts in a little care box she put together for me, I have really enjoyed reading them.

During my move I misplaced my wreath making supplies.  I really want a spring wreath.  I managed to dig up a few things to put one together, I will have to post a pic once it's finished. 

I've also made a vow to start bringing my camera with me to work #2.  I miss some of the most amazing shots because I don't bring it with me.  Nevermore!

I'm so happy it's Spring (& there's so much to do)

*these images are not mine, they came from the good ol' internet

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

& I think to myself...

So me and the dog (and some of the family) went camping this weekend.  Camping makes me want to become a gypsy!  To travel to the different parks and just be outside all the time and enjoy the country..ahhh...I digress, I cannot yet afford to be a gypsy.  
We had a good time nonetheless.  Now it's back to the daily grind (which is OK too I guess).

So I have to read some motivational material this morning.  There are things I have to accomplish this week (no more putting it off!).  Motivational material, I find, helps.  (It also helps me procrastinate longer).  ha!

I'm ready to bake.  It's kind of my spring fever.  Happens a couple times a year (spring, fall, Christmas).  I want to bake!  Breads, cupcakes, everything!
We had lamb in the crockpot with potatoes, carrots, onions and fresh herbs.  The best! This is how we camp.
The Peace River.  Beautiful, peaceful, clear and cold.

My baby LOVES to swim
Tired on the way home. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

This past weekend....

...great weather, sister and nephews came to visit, great weekend!  We had a fire (I taught the kids how to do an Indian dance around it, singing 'Hey Ho Alena'), we went to dinner, went to a horse show (HITS).  Even with all that fun business I still managed to get some planting completed.  Though, I still have quite a bit  more to do.  Plants make me feel so good :)

Crappy pictures yes, but that's my phone for ya.  I didn't get all the planting finished, I still need to re-pot a lot of aloe.  My dog thought he was helping me and chewed the tops off about 4 aloe plants.  I got a little irritated but then figured it's probably good for him to eat aloe.
This adorable little guy was at the horse show, for sale. I was tempted!
Me and My baby spent some quality time.  No weekend's complete without it!