Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Blackberries are here

My favorite time of the year!  I just wish I could stop eating them and preserve some.  Blackberry is my favorite flavor of jam.  I only like it with the seeds though.  While I was picking them and my legs were getting cut up, my dog decided to chase a momma turkey, so I had to take a time out to save her, wasting valuable berry picking time. 

The bushes near me only have little guys, I think because they are mowed down regularly.  Back home we have some berry bushes that give us HUGE, California looking berries.  But don't let the size fool you, they are packed with sweet goodness.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I'm excited to announce

...I will be moving back home!  After all, there is no place like home.
Actually this will mean my blog will be more active & I'll have more excited pictures to post (after I get settled in of course).  Because let me tell you, there is nothing exciting in Gainesville (hence the lack of pictures).

Junior had a great 2nd birthday (sorry I didn't get any pictures up).  Everything has been so busy crazy!

I've really been enjoying reading everyone's awesome looking recipes and can't wait to try some in my new home!